About Us

OEM Sōko is a web shop based in Nishinomiya City, in Hyogo Prefecture in western Japan. We are a small family business whose members are Japanese, including one member from Australia. Our goal is to provide you with selected souvenirs and attractive products from Japan from a variety of categories that - where possible - are made in Japan! Such as products with traditional Japanese designs, low volume produced and hard crafted artisanal items, and when available, we also provide obscure or rare items that are (or were) only available on the Japanese market.

A secondary service we provide is information and reviews on selected locations, businesses and events that might pique the interest of tourists intending to visit Japan. You might discover something interesting to jot down on your itinerary for your next visit!

By the way, OEM Sōko means "OEM Warehouse" in English.
OEM means "Original Equipment Manufacturer", but it can also mean in Japanese "Omotenashi, Echiketto, Magokoro"! (Hospitality, Etiquette, Sincerity)

We hope to make your experiences with OEM Sōko's services as enjoyable as possible.

会社情報 Company Information

会社名 Company Name 合同会社 Japan Made t/a OEM Soko
代表社員 Representative Karow Kayo (Fujiwara) / Karow Justin
創立 Founded 2016年12月16日
資本金 Capital 100万円
業務内容 Business Content Online sales of Japanese brand original, new and used products 
所在地 Location

〒662-0873 兵庫県西宮市一ヶ谷町1-76

適格請求書発行事業者登録番号  Invoice Issuer Registration Number


法人番号 Corporate number 3140003011795
取引会社 Partner Suppliers 株式会社 Life Taste
株式会社 藤原 FUJIWARA Co.,Ltd. 
株式会社 大直 ONAO. Co., Ltd.
株式会社 Osaka Yohin 
株式会社ジャパンケミカルズ Japan Chemicals Inc.